Mennonite Home Visitation Guidelines

We are excited to welcome you to the Mennonite Home!

There are no limits on the frequency and length of visitation, or on the number of visitors. You may visit your loved one at any time without scheduling the visit.

Do Not Visit if You Feel Sick

MHC recommends that visitors refrain from visiting during any active illness, or onset of new symptoms to protect and limit exposure to their loved one and to our community.

While we encourage visits, there are risks associated with visitation. These risks are reduced by adherence to the core principles of infection prevention. Your compliance with these principles will  help prevent the spread of many illnesses, including COVID-19. For these reasons, we recommend the following guidelines to promote the safety and well-being of residents, visitors, and staff members:

  • Visual Alerts/Education – Updated recommendations and status alerts are posted throughout the Community. Please read and follow these recommendations.
  • Maintain physical distancing from other residents, visitors, and staff members.
  • Hand hygiene – Wash your hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds (or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer), before and after your visit.

Volunteers and/or the receptionist will greet you and help with the screening and sign-in/out process.

For questions, concerns, or special requests, please contact Marcia Hirneisen, 717-390-4131.